[VENDOR] Q&A: A Great Time DJ, Professional Entertainment for your Destination Wedding near Breckenridge, Colorado
Live music was an important part of our Rocky Mountain wedding, and we understand how music helps create the mood of the moment. You can't have everybody dancing on their feet all night long, but a good set of quality music will complement and enhance the evening even more. And one sure way to make sure everything goes the best it can is to hire a professional DJ to help entertain, educate and inform your guests of what's going on and where to find what they need.
We asked Erik a few questions about the DJ and music scene at mountain weddings. We first met Erik waiting for our transport to the wedding at Beano's Cabin at Beaver Creek. It was a snowcat that we loaded up our flowers, and Erik his DJ equipment. We chatted for a bit, and have since seen Erik and his crew numerous times over the years. We recommend you check out his team and be sure to mention the Summit Mountain Weddings blog!
Q: What's the most memorable moment you've been a part of at a wedding?
A: There are so many great memories all of our DJs have from our events. My favorite moments are when I see family that comes in from across the Globe (In the mountains we entertain at many destination weddings) that haven't seen each other in while. I love to see the way they connect both on and off the dance floor. It really is magical to see our guests have a great time and break down those barriers that can exist in this world where many of us live far removed from many of our friends and family. For that one night it can be magic!
![Extreme Floral Delivery to Beano's Cabin at Beaver Creek, Colorado | photo[StacySanchez] Extreme Floral Delivery to Beano's Cabin at Beaver Creek, Colorado | photo[StacySanchez]](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/588864c63e00be9093f4ee32/58888adc403c6658aa471778/588891ec403c6658aa47b5df/1485345260722/2008_0329Image0048-630-x-474.jpg?format=original)
Q: What's three things you would tell a bride when deciding between DJ's?
1. Interview your DJ and make sure it's a great personality match.
2. Don't just shop by cost - this is a once in a lifetime moment! Your DJ can make or break your celebration. Find the right DJ, it's worth the cost.
3. One of our bride's biggest fears is that her DJ will be "cheesy" both in personality and song selection… Don't let this happen to you. Interview, ask questions, call references, it's worth doing your homework… if a company or a DJ has been referred to you from other vendors and venues that you have a good feeling about then that is a great sign that you are heading in the right direction.
A: 'Dynamite' Tiao Cruz or 'Raise Your Glass' Katy Perry lately … but really it depends on the crowd… I always ask our brides for advice on what they think their friends and family will like, figure out what music they are connecting with and then go further in that direction to bring the energy on the dance floor to the next level… It's about what songs make that particular crowd feel like celebrating on the dance floor.
Q: Any particular ethnic style of dance you think is most interesting to watch?
A: To be honest I wish all my clients were Jewish! The hora is a certain party starter every time!
Q: What's on your ipod now?
My I-pod is packed with a huge selection of music… I love it all!
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Photos in this blog were courtesy of INphotography, Robin Proctor and Stacy Sanchez
If you have a question or two you'd like us to ask the vendors, please contact us and we'll consider your submission!