Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Rocky Mountain National Park Wedding

West of Denver and not too far from Summit and you'll find the setting for today's post, Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado with images courtesy of Elevate Photography. I have definitely seen Ryan and the team from Elevate at many mountain nuptials, so we're happy to share some stunning images that are from an area that gets overlooked. You see, Grand Lake isn't big at all, and finding the right mix of vendors and services isn't always easy.

Colorado Elopements, Engagements and Vow Renewals

If you're contemplating whether or not to plan a big wedding or not, Colorado is a great choice for destination weddings. With a central location for guests around the country, DIA is a world-class airport with numerous shuttle companies that will work with you and get your guests to your venue and / or lodge safely and without the hassle of driving. More and more couples are choosing to elope in Breckenridge and Summit County, and for good reason.

Planning a surprise engagement and need some assistance? If you need help setting up a photographer to capture your moment, we can do that. Simple vow renewals with immediate family is becoming more popular too. Keep the love alive and with our help, you'll have an unforgettable experience. Please contact us to learn more.

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

If you love the Rocky Mountains, Grand Lake, and BUTTERFLIES then this wedding is going to absolutely blow your mind! As epic as the details are, I think it’s appropriate to start off the blog with the sweet emails that Lisa and Matt sent each other the morning after they got married:

Lisa: It’s 5:30am & I woke up to a beautiful sunrise knowing I am your wife. I couldn’t feel any happier! I am so lucky & feel complete. I love you husband & always will. Love you! Mrs….I’m coming to bed soon… Just excited!!!

Matt: I woke up at some time, but time didn’t matter as I saw my sleeping beauty, my wife, my life, and what I thought was a smile on her angelic face…I knew my world was perfect. I am the happiest man alive and will do all that I can to keep you the happiest woman alive. I love you, my wife! Love, Your Husband

Yeah, see. Aren’t they so great?! Here are a few words from their photographer Ryan Erickson:

Moose, mountain tops, butterflies, purple and more butterflies were just a few of the important parts of Lisa and Matt’s grand wedding at Grand Lake Lodge!

I’ve never blushed so much to know how excited Lisa and Matt were to have me as part of their big day. It’s been one that’s been years in the making and it’s been so fun to have her keep me up to date on the details over the last year.

Bruce, the Grand Lake Moose even made an appearance at the reception and the kids (and Lisa) went wild. One of my favorite shots was their parting photo at night with hundreds of paper butterflies (biodegradable) tossed around them!

Thanks Lisa and Matt for continuing to make me feel so special and grand in Grand Lake!

Thanks to Cydney from Stiletto Events – Denver for making their day special too!

And now just a few words from the Bride and Groom…OK, mostly from Lisa, but a quote from Matt’s wedding vows are included!

Oh, to describe our fairytale wedding…all of my dreams came true that day, but every day that Matt & I have been together have been simply perfect. We’re just happy people! 2 free spirits came together & became even freer & we brought 2 amazing families together who are now bonded together as one.

Matt’s more eloquent than I am, haha! And he’s in Chicago right now, so how about this…My birthday is coming up on Monday & when I got home yesterday, he left me a pre-birthday present with a card that contained his wedding speech that never happened because we ended up speaking from the heart :) There are good snippets in here & I think we’d agree on our favorite moments, so I’ll share those as well.

“I feel as young as when I met her, 4,097 days ago…

I want to thank Mort & Karen for accepting me into their family and for bringing me the other half of my life. There is no Matt Kral without Mom & Dad Kral, but there is no me without Lisa.

I love you for being my little spoon and promise to always be your big spoon.

I love you for, figuratively & literally, lighting up every room you enter and promise to keep your electricity going.

I love you for making me the man I am and promise to be an even better man, husband, lover and best friend every day.

You make everything in life special just by being you.

Yes, I had cold feet when I asked her out about 4,100 days ago, that’s why I signed my lease first and walked 3 blocks away to ask her out over the phone!

And most of all, I love you for loving me. I will love you forever and ever…my dreams came true today, but every day is a dream with you.”

Isn’t he sweet???!!! Melt my heart….

OK, here’s what you asked for…

When we first saw Grand Lake we both stopped in our tracks & knew this was the perfect spot for us to become husband & wife. There are so many things we loved about our wedding day, so this is going to be tough! I think the best moment was the first look. It was like we fell in love all over again and our love for one another went to another level & we never even knew it could get any better! Matt shed tears & it touched my heart (and then my tears began!) There are really no words to describe the look in his eyes when he first saw me as his bride and soon to be wife. Another favorite moment; during our ceremony, it felt like Matt & I were the only ones on the planet, we were in heaven. I literally felt like a butterfly who had been caught by my love! To keep it short (it’s already long!), but we loved being surrounded with the love of our family & friends. I was, quite frankly, overwhelmed by how much love was at our wedding; my heart could’ve burst…in a good way!

Our wedding, to me, was so unique because of the beautiful mountain surroundings, I pulled off the butterfly dress (haha & yay!), the immense love I felt from everyone there, our Native American officiant who made our wedding so unique & spiritual, oh and having Bruce the Grand Lake Moose make an appearance to celebrate my little niece, Ella’s birthday.

Lastly, originally we named our wedding “Matt & Lisa’s You Might See a Moose Wedding” because Matt calls me “Moose” and almost every guest saw real moose, which was awesome!!, but in retrospect, I call it our “Fairytale Came True Wedding” because it was like heaven on earth.

Probably more than you wanted! I always tell Matt he is my favorite person on the planet because he makes me feel beautiful, special & precious every day…and that’s no lie! He is a gift & I treasure his love.

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Lisa + Matt: Grand Lake Lodge Wedding in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado | Image: Elevate Photography

Photographer:  Elevate Photography//Reception Venue: Grand Lake Lodge//Cake Designer: Indulge Bakery, Inc.//Officiant:leon joseph littlebird//Floral Designer: Oakes Fields Floral//Beauty:Salon Plume//Musicians:Soul School//Event Planner: Stiletto Events//

Submitted via Two Bright Lights