Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography //
I saw some images from Keri Doolittle, a Denver based photographer who might just have one of the coolest web sites that I've seen in a while, that I really wanted to share with our readers. This Colorado wedding blog is all about the off-the-beaten path kind of events, although we love showing the big and fancy, not everyone does the big and fancy. So, for a smaller, but yet, elegant approach to a mountain wedding, you should definitely research the private home market.
There are many property management rental companies here in Summit County, and many independent rentals that you have to dig through a mountain of links to find the right one. If you want us to help you save time and money, then contact us to learn how we can help you find just one vendor, help design the event and source rentals, or core service, wedding flowers and decor.
![Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/588864c63e00be9093f4ee32/58888adc403c6658aa471778/5888932f403c6658aa47d0d5/1485345583321/DSC00700-630-x-420.jpg?format=original)
We say thanks to Keri for sharing these images with us! Click your link of choice, or all of them to get to know the lady behind the lens.
![Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/588864c63e00be9093f4ee32/58888adc403c6658aa471778/58889330403c6658aa47d0d8/1485345584149/DSC00702PANO-630-x-319.jpg?format=original)
These images are from a photo retreat that was held at a private home rental just south of Breckenridge, in Blue River.
"Fifteen photographers from throughout the country met up in the beautiful town of Breckenridge, CO. Hosted by Denver wedding photographer, Keri Doolittle, the ladies came to learn about photography, talk shop and enjoy the surroundings of Breckenridge, CO. The days were spent photographing some families and newborns and gathering into mini-sessions to learn about marketing, studio management and website/SEO."
![Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/588864c63e00be9093f4ee32/58888adc403c6658aa471778/58889331403c6658aa47d0dc/1485345585001/DSC00837-630-x-420.jpg?format=original)
Keri shares the link on the house they stayed: " here is the rental property listing: http://goo.gl/8OuVQ."
![Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/588864c63e00be9093f4ee32/58888adc403c6658aa471778/58889331403c6658aa47d0de/1485345585903/BR1-630-x-420.jpg?format=original)
"The photographers were able to spend an afternoon in the town of Breckenridge shopping, enjoying the sunshine, taking a group photo at the Old Time Photo shop and dining at The Breckenridge Brewery. We even got to indulge in Fatty's Pizza the following evening. The rental house in Blue River was a perfect setting to see the fall aspens in bloom! Everyone had a blast and can't wait til we do it again in 2012!"
![Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer Fall Color in the Rocky Mountains by Keri Doolittle Photography | photo[keridoolittlephotography.com] Denver, CO wedding and portrait photographer](http://static1.squarespace.com/static/588864c63e00be9093f4ee32/58888adc403c6658aa471778/58889332403c6658aa47d0e1/1485345586521/DSC006761-630-x-420.jpg?format=original)